Korea report by peopo 公視獨立特派員:競速東大門、東大門進行曲 Dad waked me up this morning for watching TV. Not only the Korean, but the Taiwan businessmen are arduous. They work almost 24hrs. Dad told me that I need to decide what position I would like to do: designer, factory or the trafficker. 23 7 月 2010 設計 Newer Post Tube blocked Older Post Need to learn on one’s own Share your thoughts Comment 顯示名稱 * 電子郵件地址 * 個人網站網址 CAPTCHA Code * Δ 這個網站採用 Akismet 服務減少垃圾留言。進一步了解 Akismet 如何處理網站訪客的留言資料。
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